GLENDALE, CA (September 16, 2019) – The Armenian National Committee of America – Glendale Chapter (ANCA-Glendale) is gravely concerned about an incident that occurred at a Royal Canyon Property Owners Association (RCPOA) event on September 8, 2019 where City of Glendale Mayor Ara Najarian and City Councilmember Vartan Gharpetian were asked to leave RCPOA’s Summer Social event citing it was a “non-political” and “members-only” event. The overall poor treatment of two councilmembers of Armenian descent appears to be disrespectful at best and perhaps discriminatory at its worst. This type of treatment of any Glendale resident, much less elected representatives of our city, should be a matter of concern to all residents of our city. Implicit or explicit acts of discrimination are unacceptable and must always…