GLENDALE — On Wednesday, October 7, 2015, the Armenian National Committee of America-Glendale chapter (ANCA-Glendale) in partnership with the organization’s regional Professional Network group (ANCA-PN) and the Armenian Bar Association hosted a community-wide free legal clinic event at the Glendale Youth Center. The event welcomed Glendale residents from the Armenian and non-Armenian community to receive free legal consultations on issues ranging from immigration, housing, family law, and many other issues.
“We are proud to have relaunched our Free Legal Clinic series in the City of Glendale with our partners from the Armenian Bar Association and ANCA-Glendale,” stated ANCA Professional Network Co-Chair Shant Sahakian. “Our Free Legal Clinic series is an important joint initiative to serve our community members with free one-on-one legal consultations and we look forward to expanding the program throughout the region in the coming months with our local ANCA chapters.”
The event witnessed active engagement by both coordinators and participants alike. Over thirty members of the Armenian Bar Association from various fields of law were present to ensure diversity in the legal consultations provided. The Southwest Law School Armenian Students Association also participated by providing attendee in-take support, Armenian language translation, and assisted ANCA-Glendale interns and volunteers with all logistical needs. The legal clinic also provided an opportunity for law students and newly emerging attorneys to shadow Armenian Bar Association attorney consultations with attendees and conceptualize the practice of law on a grassroots level.
“We scored a triple victory this evening. First, the outpouring of commitment by our Association’s attorneys enabled a special forum where many in the Armenian community received top-notch legal guidance from recognized experts in various fields of law” expressed the Pro Bono Committee Chairs of the Armenian Bar Association Peter Hosharian and Azniv Ksachikyan. “Second, our law student volunteers had the unique opportunity to interact with the public and develop the skills they will need for successful legal careers. And third, the bonds of friendship and professionalism between the Armenian Bar and the ANCA-Glendale gained even greater meaning and purpose. It was a win-win-win situation for all involved and we stand steadfast in our mission to meet the legal needs of our community.”
The organizing parties look forward to further developing this effort and providing avenues of support for the broader Glendale community to learn about their legal rights and make informed discussions regarding legal concerns. The ANCA-PN’s and Armenian Bar Association will continue coordinating similar events with neighboring ANCA local chapters in the coming months.
“This was a rich opportunity for us to assess what the key legal issues and areas of concern are within the Glendale community,” stated ANCA-Glendale Chairman Zareh Adjemian. “Through this event, we will continue coordinating our efforts to identify how we can best promote educational experiences and services to all community members while ensuring that our outreach efforts are extended to diverse audiences.”
For more details on please email info@ANCAPN.org and call the ANCA-Glendale office: (818) 243-3444
The Armenian National Committee-Glendale Chapter advocates for the social, economic, cultural, and political rights of the city’s Armenian American community and promotes increased civic participation at the grassroots and public policy levels.