GLENDALE — The Armenian National Committee of America-Glendale (ANCA-Glendale) is proud to announce the start of its annual fall internship program. The organization welcomed the participation of Shushan Gabrielyan and Daniel Sinanian who hit the ground running last week and dove into their internship experience by supporting the organization’s free legal clinic event.
“Shushan and Daniel instantly demonstrated their willingness to engage the projects of our organization and become a part of the ANCA-Glendale family” stated ANCA-Glendale internship coordinator Tigranna Zakaryan. “Given their shared commitment to social justice issues, I believe this program will provide the resources needed to support their development as emerging grassroots leaders both within our community, and in their future endeavors.”
Gabrielyan and Sinanian are first-year students at the Glendale Community College and share the common goal of pursuing a career in law and human rights activism. Both youth are Glendale natives who have participated in various community projects and embarked on their internship experience with the desire to get more involved in Armenian-American advocacy efforts. Throughout the duration of their internship experience, they will apply their learning and personal interests to the development of individualized community-based projects.
“I am elated to be taking part in the ANCA-Glendale internship program and feel grateful for the opportunity to gain deeper insight on the unique dynamics of my hometown” expressed Gabrielyan. “I look forward to the insight gained from working with the perceptive and compassionate individuals that dedicate their time to the ANCA-Glendale.”
Shushan Gabrielyan is a Glendale High School graduate and recently began her collegiate career as a Philosophy major. In high school, she was thoroughly involved in her school’s student government, and was a notable member of the Glendale High varsity water polo team. Throughout her community engagement experiences she has volunteered with former ANCA-Western Region HyeVotes events in addition to multiple Armenian Relief Society projects. Gabrielyan believes her participation in the ANCA-Glendale internship will serve as a stepping stone in fulfilling her dream of becoming a human rights attorney. Throughout the duration of her ANCA-Glendale internship, Gabrielyan will focus on developing her project management skills by creating a short documentary about the growth of the Armenian-American community in Glendale.
When describing his motivation to take part in the ANCA-Glendale internship, fall intern Daniel Sinanian stated, “The program teaches us become more active in the Armenian Community and guides us in identifying how we can best contribute to the Armenian Cause.” Sinanian proceeded to comment, “I am currently seeking to expand my horizons and learn where I would like to dedicate my efforts, and I am confident this program will help me discover that goal.”
Cross-country has played a major role in Sinanian’s formative years. Since the age of fourteen, Sinanian competed in various races through the Crescenta Valley High School cross-country team, and reflects on his experiences as the source of consistent motivation for his larger ambitions. He is currently studying political science and plans to become a criminal rights lawyer. Sinanian was an active member of the Glendale Police Explorers program and will focus his internship project on developing a pedestrian safety plan for his local neighborhood.
The objective of the ANCA-Glendale internship program is to introduce emerging community activists to local Armenian-American advocacy efforts, Glendale’s governing structures, and facilitate professional development workshops uniquely tailored toward the broader academic and professional aspirations of participants. The program is an eight-week quarterly initiative that combines hands-on organizational support, workshops with elected officials and community leaders, and concludes by giving participants with the opportunity to present on their learning experiences and share their independent projects.
For more information of the ANCA-Glendale internship program, please call (818) 243-3444 or call tigranna@ancaglendale.org
The ANCA-Glendale advocates for the social, economic, cultural, and political rights of the city’s Armenian American community and promotes increased civic participation at the grassroots and public policy levels.