Architects of Denial Film Poster
GLENDALE—It has been brought to the attention of the Armenian National Committee of America, Glendale Chapter that the producers of “Architects of Denial,” a documentary film about the Armenian Genocide, were unsuccessful in purchasing billboard space at the Americana at Brand on the premise that the content was “too political.”
“Architects of Denial,” which counts Dean Cain and Montel Willians as its producers, provides a crucial lens into Armenian Genocide, as well as the denial of these events by the Turkish government and several other political authorities. Through the retelling of stories from survivors, “Architects of Denial” bridges the gap between the historical mass-exterminations and those occurring today.
This issue is deeply concerning to the Armenian American community, and the decision to deny advertisement space to a film that attempts to raise awareness of human rights violations is quite perplexing.
As history has shown, the denial of the Armenian Genocide leads to the continuation of such hateful crimes. This film has the right to advertise and educate the community about this important subject.
Americana at Brand’s decision to reject a billboard advertisement of the film on the grounds that it is “too political” is unacceptable by this community. It is disappointing to see the management’s betrayal of the Armenian community, the same one that contributes immensely to the Americana at Brand through taxpayer dollars and everyday commerce, the same community that voted to make the Americana a possibility. A denial of the request to publicize this documentary is a sign of disdain to the residents of Glendale and an attempt to censor historical facts.
As citizens of Glendale, it is imperative to take a stand against the denial of the Armenian Genocide and protect the ones who raise awareness. Any attempts at suppressing Genocide awareness is distasteful, offensive, and has no place in Glendale.
Upon learning of the American’s decision, ANCA Glendale immediately raised its oncerns and expressed its disappointment to the Glendale City Council on Tuesday, August 1. An official letter has been sent asking the management of Americana at Brand and its corporate owner, Caruso Affiliated, to reverse their decision.
The ANCA-Glendale advocates for the social, economic, cultural, and political rights of the city’s Armenian American community and promotes increased civic participation at the grassroots and public policy levels.