GLENDALE — The Armenian National Committee of America, Glendale (ANCA-Glendale) in conjunction Glendale High School History Department and the Associated Student Body hosted a “Camp Darfur” exhibit on the grounds of Glendale High School. Camp Darfur is an interactive awareness and educational event that brings attention to the ongoing genocide in Darfur, Sudan, and gives students the opportunity to discover their ability and power to make a difference.
The traveling refugee camp raises awareness and examines Sudan’s Darfur region and its humanitarian crisis – genocide – by placing it in an historical context with Armenia, the Holocaust, Cambodia, and Rwanda. Camp Darfur empowers students to raise their voices and take action against inhumanity and injustice.
“I would like to thank Glendale High School’s administration and staff who helped make this event a reality. These kinds of educational programs are not only beneficial for the students but also school staff. We hope that this is only the beginning and that we will have the opportunity to have these interactive, powerful, and educational exhibits on all GUSD High School campuses” stated ANCA Glendale Chairman Zareh Adjemian.
The program is a completely student led initiative; as it allows students to take part in peer-to-peer interaction and places them at the forefront of the educational process. The exhibit will give hundreds of students the opportunity learn, reflect, and address these mass atrocities and why they continue to happen.
GUSD Board of Education Council Member Armina Gharapetian who attended the event in support, stated “Having Camp Darfur Exhibit at school sites has such a huge impact on all the students as well as staff. The visuals and the facts about all Genocides which happened in the 20th Century, Armenian Genocide being the first one, helps the students understand the importance of becoming proactive human beings to stop and prevent future atrocities all over the world. After reading the students’ reflections’ notes at Glendale High School, it was evident to me that the Exhibit did spark a sense of care and kindness in all the students who participated.”
I-ACT Director of Operations, Kathy-Jay Scott stated, “I could visibly see the change in students’ demeanor as they entered the various tents of Camp Darfur at Glendale High School. They quickly realized that the violence they had learned about in their History and English classes was very real, and still going on today. Most impressive was their reflections written on the reaction wall. They challenged themselves and one another to act.”
“Genocide education is critically important for our youth and our future. We are pleased that our students have the opportunity to experience and interact with the Camp Darfur exhibit and can learn from man’s inhumanity to man. Thank you to Glendale High School for hosting the exhibit”, stated ANC Education Council Chair Suzanna Sahakian.
The ANCA-Glendale advocates for the social, economic, cultural, and political rights of the city’s Armenian American community and promotes increased civic participation at the grassroots and public policy levels.